This past week of training has been up in the air. I started getting sick last Sunday (1/5) and I spent the early part of this week feverish, chills, and throwing up. I have been on just about every over the counter remedy known to mankind and I am finally on the mend. I did manage to get some training in despite being sick but it did not go well.
1/6/2020 - Happy Birthday to me!
Push Press/Push Jerk 2.2 x 5 sets; 3 mins rest
Warmup: 45-95-135-185 x 2.2
Work sets: 205-225-245-255-265 (dropped 265 from overhead onto my catch pins on my second push jerk) dropped to 245 and hit 2.2 with ease.
Inverted row (BB) 5 x AMRAP 12-12-10-10-11
(GHD & Dips for 10-1 descending ladder, but I had to scale it to heavy hamstring curls with a band and pushups to the barbell.)
Hamstring Curls SS Barbell pushups 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1; 8 breaths exactly between movements.
100 chin up crunches for time: 3:00 minutes even
This workout wouldn't have been as challenging if I had any energy whatsoever. But I got in and got the work done.
1/8/2020 - The apex point of my sickness hit on this day.
Today's workout was scaled from:
5 Rounds @ full effort
25 unbroken wallballs - 20#/12# to 10 ft
20 Hang Power Clean - 105#/80#
15 KBS - 2/1.5pd 70lb/53lb
Rest 2:30 b/t sets exactly
As I type this out, I realize that I totally messed up Wednesday's workout because I did 3 rounds straight through in 7:30 *facepalm* I was supposed to rest 2:30 between sets and that would have made more rounds possible and maybe I would not have felt as if I was going to pass out in my garage...
My training:
3 Rounds for time 7:30
25 goblet squats @ 25lb
20 HPC @ 95#
15 KBS @ 55#
1/10/2020 - Work up to a 3RM on front squat, & a 2RM on snatches in 60 minutes.
Front Squat - 45-135 for 5's, 225-275-315-365-385 for 3's. 385 for a PR and the most I've ever unracked on a front squat.
Hang snatch (I was standing on my deadlift platform and there are garage door brackets overhead so I was afraid to do snatches from the floor. I definitely need some oly lift technique work, these were ugly.)
50 unbroken chin to ceiling crunches.
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