I'll also be sharing what's going on in my daily life as far as what I am reading, quotes or things I am pondering and attempting to apply to my life, or listening to in regards to Podcasts. I'll share resources and bookmark links to interests of mine.
The Karl Pearson quote "That which is measured, improves." comes to mind as I am writing this. It happens to be January 1st, and a lot of people make new years resolutions this time of year. But I read something this week that a friend of mine shared and it said something along the lines of "....don't focus on a *new you* in the new year, your *old you* is guaranteed to show up sooner rather than later. So focus on or fix the *old you* instead..." Improvement thoughts that aren't written down are just wishes until they are recorded, then they become goals. So here are some attainable written goals moving forward:
Nutrition Goals -
Without fail, hit daily protein intake goal of 250g minimum from suitable protein sources such as lean meat & high quality protein powder.
Prioritize "gallon per day" hydration minimum.
Limit heavier carbohydrate intake unless training requires it - days where the Big 3 are the training focus (Squat/Bench/Deadlift).
Focus on colorful whole foods that will limit digestive inflammation and fuel my body properly in both macro & micronutrients. Eat green vegetables at every meal. Severely limit processed foods and sugar intake.
Training Goals -
Continue to improve strength, and building muscle while improving body composition.
Strength Goals by December 2020: 600 lb squat (40lb increase in sleeves), 405 bench (25lb increase), 600lb Deadlift (40lb increase).
Drastically improve GPP (General Physical Preparedness) and increase overall work capacity in all lifts. More sled drags/pushes, loaded carries, grip work, walking, running, jumping, throwing.
Focus on auxiliary exercises and lifts even if it means training more frequently (twice a day, or 6 total days per week to fit in all in) build the muscles involved with and stabilizing for the big 3 movements.
I need to prioritize my posterior chain and direct core work, pull more than I push, even if it means increasing training frequency. Shrugs, Rows, Inverted Rows, Pull Ups (assisted obviously), back extension, GHD, glute bridges, hamstring curls, calf raises, etc.
Personal Goals -
Improve my self talk, immediately.
Write down 5 things I am thankful for at least 3 times per week.
Strengthen myself mentally and spiritually to be a better leader in my household and in my career.
Focus on reading or listening to something geared towards self improvement every day, then writing down a summary of what I learned or how I will apply said thing to my daily life.
Improve myself to be a better role model, a better educator, and a better coach this year in order to build upon previous successes.
Continue to become the man my family will be proud of, and leave a strong positive legacy and a good, reputable name for my son and daughter.
I will be printing this off and referring back to look at these goals as I continue to make log entries.
Here's to getting after it in 2020!
Stay Strong!
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