Saturday, January 4, 2020

Two a Day 1-3-2020

Clayton and I started the OPT CrossFit Programming he did “back in the day” to work on our work capacity, skill development, and functional strength alongside our big 3 training.
Day 1 OPT: AM session 6:30AM start time
Warm up, moved around, pulled 135 for a couple sets of 5. Got the jump rope out and stared at it with a twinge if fearful anticipation. 
3 rounds for time 
21 deadlift @ 185# 
50 jump rope skips (SU’s) 
3 x 10 heavy lat pulls 
3x10 GHD 

8:00 Minutes even. Clayton finished his barely under 6:00 for a PR. I was doing well and cruised through round 1 in just over a minute and the jump rope went way better than expected. Round 2 I made it to 15 deadlifts and had to set the bar down to stand up and breathe for a couple breaths, finished out my last 6 and the jump rope was slowed down quite a bit. Tied in to the bar for round 3 and made it to 11 deadlifts before I had to set it down (hamstrings/hips/lungs were on fire 💀) finished the last 10 and attacked the jump rope and hit the wall pretty hard. I could make it through 3-5 skips before it felt like my feet wouldn’t cooperate and I kept missing skips. After my final round I stopped the timer as it clicked over the 8:00 even mark and laid on the floor for a good minute or so. I was anticipating having to scale this workout and I didn’t have to so that’s a positive for day 1 and feeling like I’m pretty far out of cardio shape. 

Evening Session: 8:00 PM start time - 9:05 end time. 
Bench Press - Work up to a heavy set of 5
5’s @ 135-225-255-275-295-315-335 
Close grip bench (1 board) 
2 sets @ 225 x 35, 25 
Super Wide grip bench 
1 set @ 135 x 50 

Aux Circuit 
5x20 band hammer curls (Elite FTS Orange Average Band) 
5x15 Kettlebell upright row 55# 
5x10 Narrow grip bench 1/2 rep for tricep focus 185#

100 band pull aparts (thin red band) 
50 face pulls (thin green band) 
45 second front leaning rest (pushup plank) - shaking like a leaf on a tree. 

Today was exhausting but I felt like I still had the motor to power through the evening workout in the garage. It feels good to be enjoying training as much as I am and focusing on weaknesses/muscle imbalances. 

Nutrition and hydration today was good. I drank 96oz of fluids during PM training (48oz of water with 1 scoop of Aminocore & 1 scoop creative, 48oz of plain water). Sitting at 290g protein, 230 carbs, 60g fat for my macros, I had an extra scoop of protein with Greek yogurt before bed. I am looking forward to a rest day and getting some sleep this weekend. 

Stay strong! 

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